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DW Catchall Spider
Since 1994 in Columbus, Ohio
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DW Catchall Spider

- size 14


We used to sell this one a long time ago and with the increase in popularity of Soft Hackles most recently, we have brought it back. Also kind of a Soft Hackled version of the Rainbow Warrior, which is also of course wildly popular these days.

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The DW Catchall Spider is a classic soft hackle/emerger pattern that's been around for many years. We used to sell this one a long time ago and with the increase in popularity of Soft Hackles most recently, we have brought it back. Also kind of a Soft Hackled version of the Rainbow Warrior, which is also of course wildly popular these days.

Whispy tail with a pearl flash body, fine wire rib, and a few turns of peacock herl throax under a soft hackle wing of furnace hackle. Red thread is one of the secrets to this fly as well. Just a buggy and flashy looking attractor type pattern that flat out catches fish. One of our top choices in the Soft Hackle World.

DW Catchall Spider available here in size 14. 

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